B2B Lead Generation Software

0 %
increase in traffic

Secured Ranking
on Top 10 for
14 B2B keywords

The client is a reputed B2B Lead Generation Software offering lead management and conversion solutions. They wanted to rank for top money keywords in their industry and compete with the likes of SalesForce, SAP, ZenDesk, Zoho, etc.

With my content marketing strategies, highly relevant backlinks, and SEO consultation services, the client ranked in the top 10 for 14 B2B marketing money keywords within the first year itself.

About the Client

The client is a lead management, analytics, and marketing automation software that helps B2B firms prioritize revenue streams aided by data processing, data warehousing, data stitching, AI, and ML.

Their main goal is to help these businesses turn potential leads into paying customers by providing valuable insights and automation.

The Challenge

The client, after establishing some presence in their local market, had a desire to expand their business globally. To achieve this goal, they aimed to build a reputable brand and increase organic traffic from their target international markets.

They recognized that SEO-focused content and a well-planned SEO strategy with the help of link building were the best ways to reach their objectives. 

In pursuit of their global ambitions, the client reached out to me via LinkedIn.

How did
I help?

After our initial meeting, I gained a clear understanding of the client’s objectives and how to achieve them.

As a standard practice, I performed a comprehensive audit of the client’s website, specifically focusing on SEO and content. This audit helped me identify technical issues, content gaps, and quality checks that needed attention.

Using the insights from the audit, I collaborated with the client to develop a well-rounded strategy for SEO, content marketing, and link building. Once the client approved the strategy, we wasted no time and got to work on implementing it.

Here’s what we strategized

Competition for those important B2B keywords was tough. So, during our brainstorming sessions, we came up with a smart plan to improve our chances of ranking well for those keywords.

We planned to focus on long-tail, more specific keywords and make sure our blog posts were set up to rank for each question they answered. This way, a single high-quality article could show up in search results for several B2B keywords that mattered.

SEO-Led Content Marketing


I focused on SEO-driven Content Marketing and crafted long-form blogs that follow Google’s E-A-T framework.

Next, I created valuable, top-quality SEO-friendly blogs. These in-depth blogs were carefully designed to address various questions.

By thoroughly covering a range of questions, these articles showed strong authority and aligned perfectly with what the client’s ideal customers were searching for.

Additionally, I offered on-page SEO consulting to enhance the ranking potential of these articles.

Link Building


Considering the objectives, I decided to aid these content marketing efforts with some high-quality and niche-relevant backlinks from reputed websites.


Every blog post was reinforced with multiple high-quality backlinks from content pieces that were a natural fit for the subject matter.


This way, it would not only help us with rankings but generate substantial referral traffic as well.


The Results

In addition to showcasing the client’s industry knowledge, here’s what I accomplished:

✅ Increased Organic Traffic

✅ Improved Search Engine Rankings

✅ Increased Website Metrics like Domain Authority

✅ Increased Referral Traffic

7X Relevant Backlinks

With my outreach expertise, I was able to acquire a lot of new backlinks.

However, it’s important to note that the well-structured, high-quality content also played a pivotal role in drawing a significant volume of high-quality backlinks.

The client’s backlink portfolio and DR doubled! 🙂

3X Domain Rating

With the combined efforts of SEO, link building, and content marketing, I was able to deliver a 5x growth in organic traffic.

5x Growth in Organic Traffic

With the combined efforts of SEO, link building, and content marketing, I was able to deliver a 5x growth in organic traffic.

1200% Return on Marketing Investment

While the primary objective was to compete with global players, driving revenue growth is the objective of any B2B SaaS MarTech firm.

As a culmination of higher SERP ranks, 3X DR and backlinks, and 5X growth in organic traffic, I was able to deliver an approximate 1200% return on marketing investment.